This page last changed on Sep 08, 2004 by scytacki.

This is the planning page for Teemss2 it should have a schedule and designs of the different tech parts of the project.

General Design Docs

Planning Process

Task Ann Scott 50% Stephen Planned Start Planned Finish Actual Start Actual Finish
General   2 months 2 weeks?   May 24 Feb. 23  

Initial Web Presence

Task Date Started Finished
Initial Web Presence Started April 30

Authoring Environment

Ann has a spreadsheet of the tasks: []
The conservative estimate is that she'll be done with this on Sept 15
Link to Self

Vendor Integration

Task Ann Scott 50% Stephen 50% Planned Start Planned Finish Actual Start Actual Finish
talk to vendors pass 1: who's involved what can they do   2 wk 2 wk May 3 May 17-21 May 7 June 10
talk to vendors pass 2   2 wk   Jun 10 Jul 2 Jun 11 Jul 8
sensor database version 1   3 d     May 26 May 23 Jun 7
sensor database version 2   6 d   Jun 11 Jul 2 Jun 21 Jul 14
driver api and sdk rough spec   1 wk   Jun 17 Jul 2    
break while working on distributed object store              
talk to vendors pass 3   2 wk          
sensor database version 3   6 d          
driver api and sdk full specification - design   3 wk 1 wk Aug 16 Sept 3    
driver api and sdk document and create examples   4 wk   Sept 6 Oct 1    
Feedback and review   1 wk   Oct 4 Oct 8    


Task Ann Scott 50% Paul Planned Started Planned Finished
Specification and Design 1 month 2 weeks 1 month June 14 July 16
Initial Prototype 1 month        
Feedback and review        
Finish Version 1        

Distributed Object Store

Task Ann Scott 50% Stephen 50% Planned Start Planned Finish Actual Start Actual Finish
evaluate ozone   1 wk   Jul 5 Jul 9 Jul 15 Jul 20
Syncing Design   2 days   Jul 20 Jul 28 Jul 20  
Syncing Milestones   4 wk   Jul 29 Aug 20    
break while finishing vendor integration              
Java 1.4 version 1   1 mo   Oct 11 Nov 5    
Waba version 1   1 mo   Nov 5 Dec 3    
Palm Syncing   1 mo   Dec 6 Jan 7 2005    

Advanced Portfolio Elements

Task Ann Scott 50% Stephen 50% Planned Start Planned Finish Actual Start Actual Finish
Specification and Design   1 mo   Jan 10 2005 Feb 11 2005    
Version 1   1 mo   Feb 14 2005 Mar 11 2005    

Embedded Assessment

What types of embedded assessments will we support and how will the data collected be presented to students, teachers, and researchers?

Task Ann's Scott's 50% Stephen's 50% Date Started Finished
Specification and Design       Started May 1
Initial Prototype       May 1 July 1
Feedback and review       July 1 July 15
Finish Version 1         July1

Per Person schedules


This is out of date

  • May - talking to manf. working on schedule, probe design?, data store design?, more design diagrams, and descriptions
  • June - probe design?, portal design?, data store design?, more design diagrams and descriptions.
  • July - advanced portfolio elements design?, probe implementation support, authoring enviroment support.
  • August -
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